Do you know the meaning of the labels and symbols attached at your clothes?
To properly maintaine the quality of your clothes and to keep them looking as new, you should know the signs and markings on them. And what is more important is to pay attention to them and respect them. Here are some of the most commonly used symbols when wash, iron and spin your favorite clothes.
Symbols for washing
Wash manually
Wash manually
Max washing (water) temperature of not more than 30 degrees Celcius.
Max washing (water) temperature of not more than 30 degrees Celcius, at Delicate Program.
Max washing (water) temperature of not more than 40 degrees Celcius.
Max washing (water) temperature of not more than 40 degrees Celcuis, at Delicate Program.
Max washing (water) temperature of not more than 60 degrees Celcius. Higher temperatures allowed.
Higher temperatures allowed.
Symbols for ironing
Don’t iron.
Iron at temperature of 110 degrees Celsius
Iron at temperature of 150 degrees Celsius.
Iron at temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.
Symbols for drying Don’t use centrifuge
Care when using the centrifuge. Dry at cool temperatures and at programs with short timing.
Normal drying with the centrifuge.
Symbols for bleaching
Don’t use bleach.
Bleach is allowed.
Symbols for dry cleaning
Don’t use dry cleaning.
Only professional dry cleaning is allowed.